Hui Kahi No Ka Pono
- United for Justice
Kaua‘i Police Department3990 Kaana St.
Līhu‘e, HI 96766
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HSLEOA 68th Annual Conference

Grand Hyatt Kaua‘i Resort and Spa

September 4 -6, 2024

Welcome to the 68th Annual Hawai‘i State Law Enforcement Officials Association Conference  

September 4 – 6, 2024  

Grand Hyatt Kaua‘i Resort and Spa, Po‘ipū, Hawai‘i  

The Kaua‘i Police Department is honored to be hosting the 68th Annual Hawai‘i State Law Enforcement Officials Association (HSLEOA) Conference on the white sands of Po‘ipū beach.  

This year's conference theme, "Lana Kākou i ka Hau - We Rise by Uplifting Others," embodies the core values of service that drew many of us to law enforcement. As we confront the array of challenges and responsibilities inherent in our profession, this theme serves as our guiding beacon, reminding us of the collective strength found in supporting one another. Throughout the conference, let us engage in constructive dialogue, share effective strategies, and foster connections that drive positive change. Together, we rise above adversity, bound by our dedication to serving our communities with integrity, compassion, and resilience.

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